Three Principles

  • Take Care of the Earth

    I work with lumber makers, called sawyers, near my home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Many times the logs that get milled were headed for the fireplace or the dump. The smaller sawyers are able to give these “undesirable” logs a chance to be turned in to beautiful and useful beautiful items.

    For some projects, I use found objects and incorporate them in the design. This usually mean extra work for me but the end result adds visual interest and helps keep useful things out of the landfill. It also means that my work space can get pretty cluttered at times.

  • Be Inspired

    The world is big and diverse, so its not difficult to experience something that inspires. I find my inspiration in the diversity of creation. Cultures, individuals and the natural world impact my work. However my biggest influence is found in the “undesirable” logs because I know that they have some beautiful secrets inside. To me, there is nothing more wonder producing than seeing a piece of wood share its beauty as it is being finished.

  • Do Quality Work

    The first step in quality is to listen and work with a client. Without quality communication and dialog there is increased probability that the mark with be missed on a project.

    I don’t cut corners, tend to over build and lean toward perfectionism. These tendencies drives my wife a little nuts at times. These tendencies can be a problem for me but good for the people for whom I do work. That means I start with quality materials, use craftsman techniques and design with the eye of an artist.