Charcuterie Board - White Oak


Large White Oak Charcuterie Board. 3/4" x 13" x 23"

This board came from wood worker that lived near me. He produced some amazing furniture for his family. When he passed his widow approached us and asked if we wanted to have some of his stock. After a great afternoon of talking about her husband and learning his story I saw this piece of quarter sawn white oak and fell in love. I had to rework the edge glued parts and filled them with clear, food safe, epoxy. I put a finish on this but was not happy with the way it turned out so I re-sanded and went with a coconut oil finish instead. I am happy with the result and how the oil brings out the quarter sawn part of the wood.

The quarter sawn look of a board happens when a log is cut at a 60 or 90 degree angle with the grown rings. White oak is the timber of choice for sawyers wanting a flecked quarter sawn effect. Enjoy the art that is in each tree and the sawyers ability to find the beauty.

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